
MOVE Ireland and Men's Development Network's Annual National Training Conference - 2024
From Harm To Hope: Building Collaborative Relationships For A Safer Ireland
On the 7th & 8th of June, MOVE Ireland along with the Men’s Development Network hosted their joint annual National Training Conference in the Anner Hotel, Thurles, Co. Tipperary. As both MOVE and MEND facilitate the National Domestic Violence Prevention Programme ‘Choices,’ each year both organisations organise and co-host a training conference to upskill, network and plan for the year ahead.
This year’s conference was named, ‘From Harm to Hope: Building Collaborative Relationships for a Safer Ireland.’ The conference strove to highlight the importance of collaboration when addressing Domestic, Sexual and Gender Based Violence (DSGBV).
“We are excited to bring together professionals, advocates, and community leaders from across Ireland to discuss and collaborate on solutions to pressing social issues,” said Dr Michelle Walsh, CEO at MOVE Ireland. “By fostering dialogue and sharing best practices, we aim to empower attendees to make a positive impact in their communities and contribute to a safer, more inclusive society.”
Full details of the event and agenda below
MOVE Ireland and Men’s Development Network host annual 2-day conference in Thurles, Co. Tipperary.

MOVE Ireland Launch Online Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme in Donegal
From Harm To Hope: Donegal
On Wednesday the 6th November, MOVE Ireland launched an online Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme for Donegal. This online group programme represents a crucial step towards reducing incidents of abuse and fostering safer environments for all.
Donegal Gardaí received a staggering 497 domestic abuse reports in just the first half of this year (2024), while the Probation Service in Donegal currently has the highest number of active domestic violence cases in the region (17), followed by Sligo and Mayo combined (16).
Dr Michelle Walsh, CEO of MOVE Ireland, stated, “The programme provides participants with tools to change their destructive behaviours and rebuild their relationships. We see the transformative impact of this programme on couples and families every day, and we are eager to see this positive change in Donegal. Together with our community partners, we are determined to create a safer environment for everyone.”
Full details of the event below
MOVE Ireland proudly unveil a new online Domestic Abuse Prevention Programme for Donegal.

MOVE Ireland Launch Annual Report 2023 & Strategic Plan 2025-2029
From Harm To Hope: Pivot To The Perpetrator
On Monday the 9th of December, MOVE Ireland launched both their Annual Report for 2023 and Strategic Plan for 2025-2029 in the Mansion House, Dublin. Preparing and launching both our Annual Report and Strategic Plan at the same time afforded us the opportunity to reflect not only on the last year but also look towards the future of our organisation.
It was also important for us to hold our launch during the ‘16 days of Activism’ and share with those in attendance MOVE’s work in addressing DSGBV. The ’16 Days of Activism’ is an international campaign to challenge gender-based violence. It begins on the 25th of November, the International Day for ‘the Elimination of Violence Against Women’ and concludes on the 10th of December, ‘Human Rights Day.’
Our goal was to showcase that change is possible and that intervention programmes have a real impact on our society. ‘Men are looking for change,’ commented Dr Michelle Walsh, CEO of MOVE Ireland, “Our referral rate increased by 34% in 2023 and to date in 2024, we have seen a 27% rise, 46% of referrals being self-referrals. It’s incredibly encouraging.”
Full details of the event and agenda below. The 2023 Annual Report and Strategic Plan for 2025-2029 can also be accessed below
MOVE Ireland host launch event for their Annual Report 2023 & Strategic Plan 2025-2029 in the Mansion House, Dublin.