Choices Programme Logo Reversed

The Choices Programme is run both as a fixed and as a rolling programme to allow men to access the programme at three intervals.

The CHOICES programme is a national intervention programme introduced by COSC as part of the Second National Strategy on Domestic, Sexual and Gender based Violence 2016-21.

MOVE Ireland deliver a professionally led group intervention to enable men to learn from and support each other. Participants also receive up to ten individual sessions. The purpose of the individual session is to assess suitability for the intervention, prepare the men for group work, goal setting and follow up support to prevent relapse.

The group functions in some areas as a rolling group so that when a man completes the sessions he is replaced by another man. Much of this work uses a cognitive behavioural approach focusing on motivation, responsibility, safety and acknowledgment.

The Choices Programme is a group work intervention giving men a chance to learn about the impact of their destructive behaviour on the family. It also supports them to develop the necessary skills to live non abusively. Individual sessions supplement the group work and occurs at the beginning, during and after the programme. The diagram on the right shows the modules and possible entry points when run as a rolling programme. Men will be brought on to the programme when a space becomes available in busier areas or when a group starts when it is run as a fixed group.

The programme covers six discrete modules. Much of this work is based on cognitive behavioural therapy, focusing on motivation, responsibility, safety and acknowledgement. Men are also taught mindfulness techniques to increase self awareness and to develop capacities to observe and change their own reactions.

Choices Wheel

The modules are on particular themes and help participants to:

  • Learn about the effects and consequences of domestic violence on their partner and family.
  • Participate in group sessions with other individuals who have behaved in a similar way.
  • Talk openly about their behaviour and the people affected by it.
  • Identify the beliefs and attitudes which underpin violence and abuse.
  • Cope with their behaviour and feelings in difficult situations.
  • Learn how to react without being abusive.
  • Learn about respect and responsible parenting.
  • Learn to understand and recognise the need to change their behaviour.

In areas where it is not possible to run a group programme, individual sessions may be offered.