You may not be able to see how your behaviour affects your family but your partners and your children can.

Welcome to Move Ireland

Move – Men Overcoming Violence works in the area of domestic violence, with a primary aim of supporting the safety and wellbeing of women and their children who are experiencing, or have experienced violence/abuse in an intimate relationship. MOVE does this by facilitating men in a weekly group process that involves them taking responsibility for their violence and changing their attitude and behaviour.

Get in Touch

You can contact any of the following people below should you wish to discuss any issues before making a referral. Please contact office closest to you, if county isn’t specified.

 North West Manager

  Galway  |  Donegal (Online) North West (Online)

 Mid East Manager

  Louth  |  Meath  | Mid East (Online)

North East Manager

Dublin City  |  Dublin North  |  Dublin South  

South West Manager

Cork  |  Limerick  |  South West (Online)

Get in Touch

You can contact any of the following people below should you wish to discuss any issues before making a referral. Please contact office closest to you, if county isn’t specified.

North West Manager

Galway  |  Donegal (Online) North West (Online)

Mid East Manager

Louth  |  Meath  | Mid East (Online)

North East Manager

Dublin City  |  Dublin North  |  Dublin South 

South West Manager

Cork  |  Limerick  |  South West (Online)

Choices Programme Panel Logo

The Choices Programme is run both as a fixed and as a rolling programme to allow men to access the programme at three intervals.

The programme is a group work intervention giving men a chance to learn about the impact of their destructive behaviour on the family. It also supports them to develop the necessary skills to live non abusively. Individual sessions supplement the group work and occurs at the beginning, during and after the programme.

Men will be brought on to the programme when a space becomes available in busier areas or when a group starts when it is run as a fixed group.

“MOVE saved my life and marriage, helped me to see the man I had become and to understand why I act that way.”


Choices Programme Logo

The Choices Programme is run both as a fixed and as a rolling programme to allow men to access the programme at three intervals.

The programme is a group work intervention giving men a chance to learn about the impact of their destructive behaviour on the family. It also supports them to develop the necessary skills to live non abusively. Individual sessions supplement the group work and occurs at the beginning, during and after the programme.

Men will be brought on to the programme when a space becomes available in busier areas or when a group starts when it is run as a fixed group.

The Choices Programme is run both as a fixed and as a rolling programme to allow men to access the programme at three intervals.

The programme is a group work intervention giving men a chance to learn about the impact of their destructive behaviour on the family. It also supports them to develop the necessary skills to live non abusively. Individual sessions supplement the group work and occurs at the beginning, during and after the programme.

Men will be brought on to the programme when a space becomes available in busier areas or when a group starts when it is run as a fixed group.

“MOVE saved my life and marriage, helped me to see the man I had become and to understand why I act that way.”


“My relationship with my husband has completely changed. He had left the house three months before I met my Move support. Before I met her, I was trying to manage everything myself, wondering if I had done the right thing, not knowing what “acceptable” behaviour was required of me by my husband...”